
Financial Inclusion

Providing financial services in rural areas is typically considered high risk due to the exceptional characteristics of agriculture such as long production cycles and seasonality; dependence on natural resources and; and vulnerability to variable weather. Also scattered rural populations greatly increase the operating costs of financial institutions hence avoiding those areas. Furthermore, financial insecurity due to unstable farm-related incomes and lack of access to banking services such as loans due to varying seasonal earnings, lack of collateral, and low incomes have been amongst the challenges of the rural poor.

As part of efforts by the organization in eliminating the above challenges in rural communities, is the introduction of financial models to communities with knowledge in financial literacy and access to financial services. These financial models are enablers for rural individuals to mobilize funds, access small and sustainable loans as well as insurance of collective support in times of emergencies. As an economic development approach that instills hope and builds social capital, community members are able to plan ahead, cope with household emergencies, develop their livelihoods especially women and invest in the health and education of their children

Livelihood Empowerment

Financial insecurity due to varying seasonal earnings from farm-related incomes and .over-dependent on one source of income-generating activity (farming) has been amongst the challenges of the rural poor. In addition to the financial insecurity is rural-urban migration of rural youth to seek menial jobs in the urban cities due to lack of knowledge and requisite skills calling for the need for this program area by the organization. The organization through this program area trains and empower individuals in forming enterprise groups specifically tailored to rural settings using available local resources to create employment and promote access to markets. The organization looks at empowering and equipping rural folks with knowledge and skills in getting a livelihood from promising ventures with readily available raw materials and resources within the locality. This programme enhances individual lives, agricultural, and entrepreneurial skills, therefore, creating entrepreneurs in solving rural unemployment issues as well as increasing individuals and household incomes from additional or complementary sources.

Climate Change and Environmental Action

The severity of climate change is particularly felt in rural communities whose basic livelihoods rest largely on the environment and climatic conditions such as rainfall, humidity, and sunlight. The changes in rainfall patterns reduce rural farmers’ yield because they lack the technical and financial resources as well as the information required to mitigate the effects of climate change. This further threatens the natural resources relied upon by rural communities for their economic activities. The organization addresses these key issues with environmental and climate change models that promote efficient local utilization of natural resources. The organization promotes the development and implementation of key services and training of farmer groups and associations on climate change adaptation, agroforestry, and climate-smart agriculture in the areas of environment and risk management, and agriculture.

Community Development

Rural communities mostly lag behind when it comes to development. They are denied basic social amenities such as potable drinking water, electricity, access to health facilities, etc. which makes life uncomfortable for them especially the youth leading to rural-urban migration. To address this issue, the organization partners with institutions, local governments, and communities using a Community-Driven Development (CDD) approach. We empower and strengthen local structures as well as support rural communities in becoming capable of charting for their own developmental needs to reduce dependency. In executing this program area, representative participation is key and is ensured by the organization working with the community decision-making bodies, as well as marginalized groups such as women, children, and youth.